Shipping & handling
All unframed prints are generally shipped within 7 business days from our headquarters in Croatia (EU). Because unframed prints are made to order, all sales of unframed prints are final and are not eligible for cancellation or exchange. Shipment information will be emailed to you once your order is on its way. Returns are offered within 7 days of receiving your order.
Framed prints are also custom made once ordered, so are generally shipped within 7-10 business days. Because framed prints are made to order, all sales of framed prints are final, and are not eligible for cancellation or exchange.
Shipment information will be emailed to you once your order is on its way. Returns are offered within 7 days of receiving your order.
Shipment costs differ depending on the region: Croatia, EU, Europe (non EU), World. Total shipment costs will be calculated upon the checkout.